How to Efficiently Manage Stress in Daily Life

Whether you’re stressed at work, at home, or in your social life, stress can take a toll on your body and your health. Stress shortens your attention span, makes you more prone to illness, and makes you more susceptible to depression, anxiety, and other mental health issues. It can also increase your blood pressure and …

Anger Management Classes: How It Can Help

Many people struggling with anger issues find it helpful to learn about anger management. According to SAMHSA, more than 30 million American adults live with some form of anger symptoms, and 1 in 10 Americans have post-traumatic stress disorder and anger management issues. Anger management classes can be a helpful resource for anyone who is …

Giving Back the Love and Sacrifices of Parents Through Proper Caring

Today, many parents sacrifice so much of their time, energy, and even at times, their own money to give their children the best lives possible. From choosing the right schools, enrolling them in extracurricular activities, and encouraging them to pursue their dream careers, parents will do anything to make their children happy and very proud. …

7 Ways to Help a Child Deal with Traumatic Stress

The concept of traumatic stress is not a new one. It is used to describe the negative emotional and psychological impacts a person can have after experiencing a traumatic event. It is important to note that the effects of traumatic stress are not limited to the individual who experienced the traumatic event. Instead, the effects …